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We are happy to provide large cohort-based learning opportunities covering broad-based topics based on your organization's needs.

Please complete the Contact Form below or email us directly at to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Male Speaker

Offsites and Keynotes

We conduct keynote presentations and learning sessions at offsite meetings for our clients. Topics covered at prior offsite meetings include:

  • Outsiders’ perspectives of firm performance and valuation

  • The importance of capital allocation and how it drives firm value

  • Optimizing supply chain and operations activities

  • Understanding risk-based capital

  • Differences between GAAP and STAT accounting principles

Trading Graphs on Computer Monitor

Investor Days, Quarterly Earnings

Quarterly earnings and Investor Day presentations can be arduous for personnel, especially given the depth of topics covered and length of some presentations (4+ hours).


We provide recaps of these events for clients, so they better understand their firm’s:

  • Vision for the future

  • Financial performance

  • Risks and opportunities


While flexible, CAE’s presentations are typically up to 60 minutes in length.

In a Meeting

Lunch & Learns

We provide learning opportunities for clients in the form of short presentations which cover a topic of the client’s choosing. Prior topics covered include:

  • The importance of capital allocation and how it drives firm value

  • Understanding Risk-Based Capital (RBC) ratios for financial institutions

  • The differences between GAAP and STAT accounting

  • Understanding banks’ Tier One Capital ratios

  • Understanding and maximizing your firm’s retirement plan

Other Corporate Events

If you have an idea for a corporate event where CAE Consulting can be valuable, please contact us using the form below or directly at

Conference & Industry Events

For more information on events attended by CAE Consulting, please check the Events & Media page

Contact Form

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